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Creating a Sexual Harassment Free Workplace

what we do

What we do

POSHADVO has been founded to help keep workplaces free of sexual abuse across all sectors in the country.
POSHADVO firmly believes, as an organization, that Sexual Harassment at Workplace is a serious denial of the right to equality, dignity and respect. Sexual abuse at work is something that most people routinely witness, but many do not openly speak about. Typically, this is for fear of losing their job, facing society's scorn, being caught up in never-ending court action or for other unspecified reasons.
Gender equality in all dimensions is a basic human right and the Constitution of India (“Constitution”) guarantees all its citizens equality of status and opportunity. Sexual harassment is considered as a violation of a woman’s fundamental right to equality, which right is guaranteed by Articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution. The Constitution also provides every citizen the ‘right to practice or carry out any occupation, trade or business, which includes the right to a safe environment, free from all forms of harassment.

Our Services

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Services For Corporates

We design policy is in accordance with the provisions of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013.
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Services For Individuals

The Act gives the IC the powers of a Civil Court and thus it acts as a quasi-judicial body empowered to summon or enforce the attendance of any person

Sectors Serviced

POSHADVO has over the years serviced top multinationals and Domestic Clients in following Industries
300 +
Corporate Clients Served
20 +
Industries Catered
15000 +
Cases Investigated
30000 +
Workshops delivered

Why Choose POSHADVO ?

We have the unmatched expertise and experience in handling POSH complaints, being part of enquiry committees and investigation meetings.
Our team has domain expertise in law, counselling and psychology.
We understand that harassment is multi-layered and needs a multi-disciplinary approach.
We have one of the largest networks of highly experienced associates and have ability to provide consistent services to multi – location clients.
We do all-round consulting with culture building
We have a robust research wing that continually ensures that the latest relevant judgements and industry benchmark’s /studies are shared with client to ensure you have holistic and most updated knowledge .
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What is PoSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment)?
In 2013, the Indian Government launched the Sexual Harrasement of Women at Work (Prevention, Ban and Redressal) Act and its regulations known as the PoSH Rules in a remarkable move to prepare a better and more accepting work atmosphere for female workers.
Is PoSH applicable to Startups, Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)?
PoSH is relevant to each and every company/ firm/ workplace/ establishment/ organization comprising of more than 10 employees including both private and public sector companies,
What do Employers need to do for being compliant ?
Every office/ organization has to diligently formulate an internal policy for the prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment at workplace focused to publicize gender sensitive safe spaces and eliminate hidden factors that add towards a vicious work environment against women.